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07/12/2012 23:10:30
Re: Хорошие новости для России

Очень позитивные новости о российско-китайских отношениях сообщают англоязычные китайские издания.  Теперь бы ещё подписать контракт о широкомасштабных поставках газа из России в Китай.  По словам Дворковича и Миллера можно ожидать этого в ближайшие месяцы.


China would strengthen economic cooperation with Russia and realize the bilateral trade goal set by leaders of the two countries, a high-ranking Chinese official said Thursday.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the 7th China-Russia Business Summit Forum, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan hailed the vitality and positive signs in bilateral economic ties.

China had become Russia's largest trade partner and bilateral trade volume in 2012 was expected to hit a record high of $90 billion, which would double the pre-global financial crisis turnover, he said.

China was willing to build on the momentum and further expand the trade scale and optimize trade structure, in a bid to reach the bilateral trade target of $100 billion in 2015 and $200 billion in 2020 set by the two countries' leaders, Wang said.


China’s Vice Commerce Minister Zhong Shan on Wednesday said the bilateral trade volume with Russia is expected to hit a new high this year. Speaking at a news conference, he said China-Russia trade reached 73.6 billion U.S. dollars in the first 10 months of 2012, up 13.4 percent from a year ago.

The vice minister said that China is Russia’s biggest trading partner, while Russia is a major trading partner of China. The two-way investment between China and Russia has accumulated to 4.1 billion US dollars.

Zhong also said the local currency settlement between China and Russia has exceeded 2 billion dollars since 2011, and the set-up of a China-Russia investment fund has further promoted mutual investments.