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14/08/2012 12:20:06
Re: Гарик, Вы прочитали текст?


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The common sexually transmitted disease has become resistant to all but one class of antibiotic: the cephalosporins. An alarming worldwide rise in resistance even to these last-ditch drugs raises the specter of untreatable gonorrhea.

To buy time, the CDC this week changed a recommended U.S. treatment. Instead of getting a single Suprax (cefixime) pill, patients now should be treated with a shot of ceftriaxone antibiotic and one of two oral antibiotics (azithromycin or doxycycline).

That's not all. Patients now should return to their health care provider a week later to make sure they're cured. Anyone still infected likely carries drug-resistant gonorrhea and needs further treatment.

"This change is a critical preemptive strike to preserve ... our last proven treatment option," said Kevin Fenton, MD, director of the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. "Changing how we treat infections now may buy the time needed to develop new treatment options."


Ну есть резистентность к фторхинолонам, но есть как минимум пенициллины, цефалоспорины, макролиды, тетрациклины....

Вы читали текст? Речь как раз и идёт о том, что гонорея стала резистивна ко всем антибиотикам, кроме цефалоспоринов