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Yo momma's so fat . (+) [ #49822 ]
      03/09/2002 15:47:38

1. Yo momma’s so fat that when God said “let there be light!” God told yo mamma to move her fat ass.
2. Yo momma’s so fat that when she lies on the beach no one else gets sun!
3. Yo momma's so fat that people jog around her for exercise.
4. Yo momma's so fat that when she went to the movies she sat next to everyone.
5. Yo momma's so fat that when she was floating in the ocean Portugals claimed her for the new world.
6. Yo momma's so fat that when she has sex, she has to give directions!
7. Yo momma's so fat that she goes to a resturant, looks at the menu and says "okay!"
8. Yo momma's so fat that when she wears a yellow raincoat, people say "Taxi!"
9. Yo momma's so fat that she puts on her lipstick with a paint-roller
10. Yo momma's so fat that the highway patrol made her wear "Caution! Wide Turn"
11. Yo momma's so fat that her senior pictures had to be arial views!
12. Yo momma's so fat that everytime she walks in high heels, she strikes oil!
13. Yo momma's so fat that she fell and made the Grand Canyon!
14. Yo momma's so fat that when she backs up she beeps.
15. Yo momma's so fat that she has to buy two airline tickets.
16. Yo momma so fat that she stands in two time zones.
17. Yo momma so fat that when she sits on the beach, Greenpeace shows up and tries to tow her back into the ocean.
18. Yo momma's so fat that the National Weather Agency has to assign names to her farts!!!
19. Yo momma's so fat that when she gets on the scale it says "to be continued".
20. Yo momma's so fat that she's got her own area code!
21. Yo momma so fat that whenever she goes to the beach the tide comes in!

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* Several jokes from the USA. (+)  Anonymous    03/09/2002 15:21:33 
. * * Yo momma's so fat . (+)  Anonymous    03/09/2002 15:47:38 

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Модератор(ы):  Совет Модераторов, Appo, crazysm, Вых, Косматый геолог, ЮристЪ 

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